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Affordable Food Stoke
duane barrett is raising money for Affordable Food Stoke
My story
In 2023 we saw and supported over 10,000 people, and in 2024 (so far), we have seen over 6,100 people visit us (January to August) for food and emotional support, supporting over 5,200 families, which means we have been able to feed over 15,600 individual people in Stoke-on-Trent (and surrounding areas) with our free food. We have also brought, made, and given away over 580 emergency food parcels to those families at the extreme end of food poverty, 55% of these parcels being for children, and have been able to support over 34 different nationalities consistently in total for the year.
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duane barrett is fundraising for
Affordable Food Stoke
Charity number: 1194677