Donate to Hope For Tomorrow Global

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Show information about fees
£15 £15 buys a sack of maize flour to make the staple food, bugali, for a small family for a month
£25 £25 will rent a family a basic 2 roomed house with a secure door, for a month
£30 £30 can buy a uniform, shoes and the necessary kit (e.g stationery, exercise and texts book) to enable a primary aged child to attend school for a year.
£35 £35 can provide a farming trainee with everything they need to undertake and implement the training, including a hoe, bucket, rope and wellington boots measuring cups, fertilizer and seed.
£50 £50 will rent a small plot of land 39m x 16m, the size needed to grow enough food to feed a family of 6 for a whole year

A monthly payment will be taken on the 15th day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.


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This will give them permission to contact you via email, for example about fundraising or news. You can update your preferences directly with the charity.

Because this donation is over £1,000, we may contact you to verify this donation

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Gift Aid is a government scheme for UK charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs to reclaim the tax you have paid and gain 25% more at no cost or hassle to you.

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By adding Gift Aid to my donation, I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the current tax year must not be more that the Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax I have paid. If I have not paid enough of these taxes, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Find out more about Gift Aid.

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You are donating to Hope For Tomorrow Global. Your bank statement will show 'GiveasyouLive Donate', rather than the charity's name. Your donation will then be sent on to the charity subject to our weekly payment schedule.

You are donating to Hope For Tomorrow Global.

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 15th day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

Your bank statement will show 'GiveasyouLive Donate', rather than the charity's name. Your donation will then be sent on to the charity subject to our weekly payment schedule.

Your payment

You are donating .

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 15th day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

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You are donating .

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 15th day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until your card expires, or until you request a cancellation.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

Click 'Make donation' below to make a payment of .

Click 'Make donation' below to set up your monthly payment of .

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Your donation has been made to Hope For Tomorrow Global.

You'll receive an email confirming your donation shortly.

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