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has been created and the first payment will be made on
will be made on
15th January
to The Bridge Project Tadcaster.
You'll receive an email confirming your donation shortly.
Please note that your donations will not be displayed publicly or affect charity totals until the payment has been successfully taken, which can take up to 5 business days.
As your donation is over £1,000 we have sent you an email to verify this amount. Please check your inbox and confirm your donation with us.
Thank you! Your donation to us could fund increased mental health support and opportunities for young people to explore faith. Funds raised will be used on things like:
- Equipment and volunteer training for the drop-in youth club
- Resources for young people to learn more about faith at Pizza and Prayer
- Mental Health First Training for staff
- Local schools work
- Holiday Clubs in conjunction with Churches Together Tadcaster.
~ The Bridge Project Tadcaster
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