Donate to Music Bingo

£20.00 raised of £200 target

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A monthly payment will be taken on the 2nd day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation or until the Fundraising Page closes.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.


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This will give them permission to contact you via email, for example about fundraising or news. You can update your preferences directly with the charity.

Emails are sent via us - your email will not be shared with the page owners.

Because this donation is over £1,000, we may contact you to verify this donation

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Unfortunately, this Fundraising Page is not eligible to receive Gift Aid.

You are donating to Transition Bath Limited via Music Bingo. Your bank statement will show 'GiveasyouLive Donate', rather than the charity's name. Your donation will then be sent on to the charity subject to our weekly payment schedule.

You are donating to Transition Bath Limited via Music Bingo.

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 2nd day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation or until the Fundraising Page closes.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

Your bank statement will show 'GiveasyouLive Donate', rather than the charity's name. Your donation will then be sent on to the charity subject to our weekly payment schedule.

Your payment

You are donating .

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 2nd day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until you request a cancellation or until the Fundraising Page closes.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

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You are donating .

You have chosen to make this a monthly payment. A payment will be taken on the 2nd day of each month, starting today. The payments will continue until your card expires, or until you request a cancellation or until the Fundraising Page closes.

The confirmation email will contain instructions on how to cancel the donation, if you so wish. You can also contact our team at any time to request a cancellation.

Click 'Make donation' below to make a payment of .

Click 'Make donation' below to set up your monthly payment of .

Thank you!

Your donation has been made to Transition Bath Limited via Music Bingo.

You'll receive an email confirming your donation shortly.

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