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On the 25th April 2015 Nepal suffered the first and biggest earthquake in a series of quakes and aftershocks that are still continuing today. There were 2 further quakes on the 15th August bringing the total since April to 369 over M4, the smaller quakes and tremors are no longer being counted. The eyes of the world watched as historic temples crumbled and helicopters airlifted survivors from Everest, what the world didn?t realise was that they were only witnessing the tip of the iceberg. Rural Nepal is desperately poor at the best of times most people survive as subsistence farmers, In the four worst hit regions the destruction is almost total, countless villages have lost 98% of the buildings.
Nepal has lost 16,000 schools in the earthquake affecting 1.5 million children, our aim is to build as many schools as we can so the children will at least have shelter. Our approach to aid is a little different, as a Nepalese lead initiative we are able to work in partnership with the village elders, giving only the help that they need, generally this means, we provide expertise (structural engineer, master builder), and new materials the locals provide the labour and recycled materials, for the most part the villagers manage the project themselves. Our aim is to help people to help themselves and avoid creating an aid dependent society.

Charity number: 1164116

10 Year Anniversary Appeal

In 2025 YYY Foundation wants to help 2,025 girls by providing mensturation kits and education about their monthly cycles and building 5 computer suits lifting students out of education povery.

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