4 days ago

Total raised so far
£10,701.20 of £12,000 target +£1,916.75 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
1 week ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Thursday 6th February
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Friday 31st January
Monday 6th January
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Friday 6th December 2024
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Saturday 9th November 2024
Wednesday 6th November 2024
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Sunday 13th October 2024
Sunday 6th October 2024
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
About us
Gogo Olive is a knitting project that was set up in 2008 as a response to the huge unemployment problem in Zimbabwe. By creating employment for local women, our aim is to give them hope as they have the opportunity to use their skills to build a future for themselves and their families.
The Gogo Olive Trust is a registered charity in Scotland (SC041281) and is managed by a Project Coordinator in Zimbabwe and supported by a Business Development Worker in Scotland, both of whom report to the Board of Trustees. The trustees are responsible for the governance of the charity and in addition to this, they do a great job of fundraising throughout the year. Money raised goes to support the project in Zimbabwe.
12 marathons in 12 months for Gogo Olive
Event dates: Sunday 1st January 2023 – Sunday 31st December 2023
A new challenge for a new year! Sarah and I (Julie) have set ourselves the challenge of running a marathon every month in 2023 to raise money to support the work of Gogo Olive. Running a marathon is in itself a massive challenge - running one every month brings this to another level!
All the money raised will go towards the yearly running costs of Gogo Olive - these include...
- Continuing and developing our work in Mutare Remand Prison, training new ladies in knitting and providing weekly refreshments for the inmates.
- Educational workshops - due to many of our knitters not having had the benefit of school education they look forward to and value these workshops.
- Giving our ladies access to an emergency fund which has proven to be an invaluable resource on a number of occasions. It largely funds health related needs but isn't limited to this.
- Costs related to Gogo Olive's vehicle. We also hope to upgrade it this year to a 4x4 to allow us to visit our ladies at their homes more safely.
- Team building days and parties throughout the year - many of the ladies talk about these as some of their favourite times at Gogo Olive.
We have set our target at £12,000 (or £1,000 a month!) - it feels like a huge goal to set at the start of the year but it gives us something to work towards all year and would make a big difference in helping us to meet our monthly expenses.
Sarah and I ran the first of our 12 marathons on the 2nd January 2023 around Kirkwall in Orkney on a very icy morning! We were joined by some of our lovely running friends and it filled me with optimism for the year ahead and for Gogo Olive. We would love to get others involved too...watch this space for ideas of how you can join us!
Thank you for supporting us, we are so grateful for you!
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