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Total raised so far


£0.00 of £1,000 target

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About us

We run events for the whole school community and raise funds to support the school in their projects and resources. This has become increasingly important in this time of huge funding cuts and difficulties for state education. Please help us out!

Charity number: 294573

Year 1 Fundraising Campaign 2024/5

Year Group Fundraising
This is our Year 1 fundraising page, where we can come together as community and help to crowdfund for class resources, activities and trips that benefit all Year 1 students.

Any donations (and gift aid) you are able to give will be gratefully received.

We will also be encouraging and supporting the children to fundraise for their class, so please do get involved and support them with this.
Thank you

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Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible.

Let's get started

Start raising donations for Morgan's Jmi Parent/Teacher Association!