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£0.00 of £1,000 target

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About us

We run events for the whole school community and raise funds to support the school in their projects and resources. This has become increasingly important in this time of huge funding cuts and difficulties for state education. Please help us out!

Charity number: 294573

Yr 6 Fundraising Campaign 2024/25

Year 6 - Fundraising Campaign
We are excited to announce our Year 6 fundraising campaign!
This year, we aim to raise £1000 to help subsidise the PGL residential, as well as resources or activities that benefit both Year 6 classes.
These funds will help create unforgettable memories for our children as they prepare to transition to secondary school.

Match Funding Opportunity!
We are thrilled to share that FOMS has generously offered to match every pound we raise, up to a maximum of £1000, which has given the year 6 parents a substantial reduction in the original PGL costs. This means that for every donation you make, FOMS will contribute an equal amount, effectively doubling your impact!

Donate: Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

Share: Spread the word about our campaign with family, friends, and on social media.

Participate: Encourage and support the children with their fundraising ideas.

Together, we can make this a memorable year for our Year 6 students.
Thank you.

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