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Total raised so far

£2,475.00 Online donations +£488.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Wednesday 24th August 2022



+ £35.00 Gift Aid

Well done everyone

Wednesday 24th August 2022

Martyn and family


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Well done Lee and the rest of the team.

Sunday 21st August 2022



+ £20.00 Gift Aid

Congratulations to you all

Saturday 20th August 2022

Sophie Etheridge


Cash donations from the Thames Marathon Swim

Tuesday 16th August 2022

Charlotte Ives


Such an achievement well done Lee !

Tuesday 16th August 2022



+ £10.00 Gift Aid

Well done to everyone

Monday 15th August 2022

Simmons Family


Well Done!

Monday 15th August 2022

Pauline Cross


Well done Lee and team

Sunday 14th August 2022

CosBean HQ


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Sunday 14th August 2022

John Booth


About us

Hastings Voluntary Lifeguards objectives are the prevention and reduction of loss of life by drowning.
The Club provides qualified Lifeguards at open water events in the Hastings and surrounding areas - these include sea swims, triathlons, air displays, rowing regattas, pier events to name just a few. Provision includes rescue and safety boat cover as well as first aid.
In addition we provide education in water safety, lifesaving and lifeguard techniques to all ages. Members can join from 8 years old with no upper age limit. Members learn essential life skills of self rescue, lifesaving skills, resuscitation and first aid. Every year we also provide vocational training leading to providing those qualified to be employed as beach lifeguards.

Charity number: 1147368

50th Anniversary Cross Channel Swim

Hastings & St Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club celebrates its golden jubilee in 2022.
In recognition of the Club’s 50 years of lifesaving and lifeguarding activity 5 club members will be attempting a cross-Channel relay swim. Some of the team members were part of a successful Club relay team of 6 who completed a crossing in 2008.
Look out for information on the team members, progress reports and other news. Please read the updates and tell your friends about Hastings Voluntary Lifeguards.
Funds raised by sponsorship of this event will go towards the cost of a new rescue boat which will be needed so that the Club can continue to provide lifeguard safety cover for local events.
Please support the Club and its Channel swim team in this fundraising challenge.
Thank you from everyone at Hastings & St Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club.

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