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Total raised so far


£30.00 of £1,000 target +£7.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

9th August 2023

Jo F


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done,Andrew! You’ll smash it! 😊

1st August 2023

Alistair Blane


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Enjoy your run! 😊

About us

The term ‘Third Place’ was coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg and appeared in his book ‘The Great Good Place’. He describes the first place in society as home, the second place as work, and the third places/spaces as those environments where people meet to develop friendship, discuss issues and relax – coffee shops, gyms, pubs, sports clubs, nightclubs, and social groups etc. Third spaces are a vital factor in the quest for community. At Third Space Ministries we like to be in these areas of the leisure industry, places where people are least likely to expect a God encounter, places of spiritual seeking, and places where the church hasn’t traditionally been present and intentional.

We facilitate this through chaplaincy work, and enabling team outreach, teaching and training, and working in partnership with the local church.

Charity number: 1155538

Andrew's 10K Challenge

Event date: Sunday 24th September 2023

Andrew, one of our Trustees is running the Vitality London 10,000m in September 2023. Here is why he is doing it!

There are three reasons why I am doing this...

Third Space is an amazing pioneering ministry working in nightclubs, the music industry and with sports, all those places where we spend our leisure time and where God is as needed as anywhere else. Carolyn, Luke, Madison, Helen and their teams do amazing work and as a proud trustee I want to do what I can to help raise some funds to grow the work.

Even though I may deny this...I do like a challenge! Running is not something I am a natural lover of, but 10k feels achievable so I thought I would give it a go!

Being married to the amazing Naomi means that I am encouraged at every turn to be healthy and do more exercise. There is no way I can emulate her marathon or half marathon achievements but hopefully 10k will get me at least on the achievements board in our house!

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