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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Bekind Rescue, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£710.00 Online donations +£151.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

1 year ago



Well done on the climb even in horrible conditions

1 year ago

Mabel Andorful


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well Done Raquel 😘

1 year ago



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Sam Carr


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Angela Goody


Well done Stacey! Super proud of you! Xx

1 year ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Carolyn MacDonald


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done you lovely people

1 year ago

Nikki Porter


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done to you all, a great cause. xx

1 year ago

Sarah Graham


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Debby Lucken


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

You rock!!!

About us

Founded in August 2018, we are a foster-based dog and cat rehoming rescue. We work tirelessly to rescue and rehome animals in need.
We were awarded charitable status in August 2019, and our Registered Charity number is 1184755.

We work predominantly within the UK and take in dogs and cats where the current home can no longer care for them, or where the guardian has passed away and the animal no longer has somewhere to live. We are hugely reliant on the generosity of fellow animal lovers to ensure that our charity is a success.

At Bekind Rescue, animal welfare is at the heart of everything that we do. We believe that all animals deserve our compassion and consideration, and we always strive without discrimination to do everything within our power to help an animal in need. We believe in the importance of working with our fosters and adopters to provide high quality and knowledgeable support using kind and reward-based methods.

As well as rescuing and rehoming, we aim respectfully to educate others and promote high standards of welfare wherever we go.

We are an Approved Rescue with Pet Professional Network as well as KAD - Kids Around Dogs.

Our trustees are certified dog trainers and/or behaviourists and continue to learn and educate themselves using force free, kind methods so that we can help out fosters and adopters alike. We never lose contact and provide full lifetime support and back up for all our animals.

Our education provider, The DoGenius Institute, provides us with inspirational & ethical education.

All of the BeKind team are volunteers and ALL money donated goes directly to helping the animals in our care. We aim to be as financially transparent as possible so that our supporters can see exactly where their kind donations are going.

All donations, however big or small, will be very gratefully received.

All members of the BeKind team own or foster rescue dogs and/or cats ourselves and we provide our foster families with full support and advice where necessary, as well as covering vet bills while the animal is in foster care. We are always looking for likeminded fosters to join our team.

If you are interested in getting a new addition to your family, please complete an adoption form which can be found in the 'ADOPTION' section.

There are many other ways you can help BeKind - perhaps you would like to create a fundraiser on our behalf, tell your friends about us or simply share our page? Maybe you would like to become a home checker for your area? We would love to hear from you. And in due course we hope that many of you will consider fostering or adopting a Bekind Rescue animal.

Charity number: 1184755

Snowdon Climb

Event date: Saturday 30th September 2023

We are raising money for BeKind by climbing Snowdon.