This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
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About us
Accommodation Concern prevents and alleviates poverty, need, hardship and distress, by delivering advice, support and preventative services designed to end homelessness, build independence and resilience and improve well-being and life chances. All services are free, at the point of delivery, and open to anyone from 16 years of age.
Accommodation Concern is the only independent, dedicated anti-poverty and homelessness prevention charity, based in Kettering. Our advice is free and impartial.
Our advice services hold the Advice Quality Standard in Housing, Debt and Welfare Benefits.
Christmas Appeal
Help us bring joy and comfort to those in need this year by donating to the Accommodation Concern Christmas Appeal. Together, we can provide food, household essentials, and toiletries for individuals and families who are facing challenging times.
With your support we can ensure that as many people as possible have enough to eat during the holiday season. Your support will make a real impact on the lives of those struggling to make ends meet or transitioning into a permanent tenancy after being homeless or vulnerably housed.