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Total raised so far

£2,950.00 Online donations +£652.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

About us

In his encyclical on "Christ's Faithful People" Pope John Paul II said,

"The Parish is not principally a structure, a territory or a building, but rather, the family of God, a fellowship afire with a unifying spirit, a familiar and welcoming home, and a community of the faithful."

Our parish of St Joseph and St Margaret Clitherow in Bracknell, Berkshire is made up of many people, living and working together, people from all kinds of backgrounds, from other parts of this country and from other countries. What draws us together is our love of God and our desire to grow together as disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

Charity number: ECPD_BRA

Closer to Christ - Bracknell Parish

Following much prayer, consideration and consultation with clergy and laity, we our Diocese has embarked on a new fundraising initiative entitled Closer to Christ.

This exciting initiative will build upon the mission of our Diocese, enabling us to continue our journey to become ever more outward facing and evangelistic, while supporting our local parishes, who are the backbone of our Church.​

The campaign will take place over the next two years, with every parish playing their collective part in raising £13.5 million. This funding will be absolutely vital in supporting two key priority areas:

Clergy, through all stages of ministry

* Assisting our men in training for the priesthood
-Supporting our clergy to be happy, healthy and holy
-Providing for our retired priests following a lifetime of ministry

** Reviving and Enabling our local parish communities**
-Reviving and enabling the parish

The Closer to Christ Campaign provides an occasion not only to meet some of the urgent needs of the present but to leave a lasting impact for generations still to come.

We firmly believe that this will lay the foundations for strategic growth in the future and in so doing, help us to realise our mission of “Bringing People Closer to Jesus Christ through His Church.”​

For more information visit:,for%20generations%20still%20to%20come.

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