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Total raised so far

£2,135.00 Online donations +£447.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

10th October 2023

Ali Atkins


A wonderful legacy to celebrate Colin‚Äôs passion for supporting others creativity‚≠źÔłŹ

2nd October 2023

Taunton Quaker Meeting


10th September 2023

Ali Atkins


A wonderful legacy to celebrate Colin‚Äôs passion for supporting others creativity‚≠źÔłŹ

10th August 2023

Ali Atkins


A wonderful legacy to celebrate Colin‚Äôs passion for supporting others creativity‚≠źÔłŹ

10th July 2023

Ali Atkins


A wonderful legacy to celebrate Colin‚Äôs passion for supporting others creativity‚≠źÔłŹ

19th June 2023



+ £25.00 Gift Aid

10th June 2023

Ali Atkins


A wonderful legacy to celebrate Colin‚Äôs passion for supporting others creativity‚≠źÔłŹ

3rd June 2023

Liz Thrussell


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

A fabulous memorial to Colin, who is greatly missed, but he will live on in the young people the fund supports.

31st May 2023

Jelena Stanojlovic


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

29th May 2023



+ £25.00 Gift Aid

What a fitting memorial to lovely Colin Stevens (or Steve Carne as I knew him). He is so incredibly missed for his energy and joyful encouraging presence, his generosity of spirit, his wonderful humour , his fierce anger against injustice - and just the love he radiated out. How we miss him but how much he would have enjoyed Malawian filmmakers benefiting. I well remember the evening on Zoom watching with Steve a PF film. Enough. I just miss him so much. A good friend and fellow campaigner.Thank you for doing this. ofe

About us

PFP works with local people in developing countries to help them make their films in their language for educational and humanitarian purposes.

Charity number: 1127076

Colin Stevens Memorial Fund

Colin Stevens was fatally injured in a car accident in California, United States, at the end of January 2023. For ten years (2009 – 2019) Colin served PFP in several capacities - as an Overseas Volunteer, an Associate Producer and a Trustee.

Colin was an all-round filmmaker, and his many abilities meant that he assisted PFP in nearly all the countries in which we worked. However, Colin had a particular affection for Malawi, where he directed three films- Mawa Langa, Mbeu Yosintha, Ulimi Mchumi Chathu. Working with local actors, he also oversaw the dubbing of Lisilojulikana from Swahili into Chichewa.

To recognise the incredible contribution that Colin made to the lives of others through his work, PFP have established The Colin Stevens Memorial Fund, proceeds from which will be used to support young filmmakers from Malawi to make a positive difference.

For 2023/4, the fund will be used to support submissions to the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival in Malawi. This year, in addition to supporting the production costs of short film projects, the fund will also provide a prize of £100 to the film that selected PFP international judges deem best. We hope the prize will become an annual award in Colin's name.

The Colin Stevens Memorial Fund will allow young filmmakers in Malawi to use the power of film to make their voices heard and spread messages of positive change to their communities and beyond.

Your support will help us continue to build on the legacy that Colin started.

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