This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support Pathways 4 All, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far
£780.00 Online donations +£46.25 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
About us
Pathways 4 All is a small, North East charity, with the primary aim to provide play and social opportunities for disabled children/ young people and their families.
Pathways 4 All is the parent charity of the Tim Lamb Centre in Benton and is open to disabled children across the North East. The centre offers a range of play facilities for disabled children/ young people including an all age soft play area with cafe, sensory room, indoor trampolines, computer suite and fully enclosed playground.
The charity also offer a range of services including short break care activities and social support groups for families.
The charity receives no local authority funding, so they really appreciate individual fundraising efforts.
Color Obstacle Rush
Event date: Saturday 11th June 2022
The Color Obstacle Rush is a unique event combining the fun of colour powdered runs, the thrill of an obstacle course, and the atmosphere of a music festival.
You can join the Color Obstacle Rush as an individual, join an existing team or create your own. Visit:
Be fast! The earlier you buy, the less you pay.
Up to 27 January £34.90
Up to 3 March £39.90
Up to 14 April £44.90
Up to event date £49.90
• Admission to the most Fun Running Event ever!
• Event T-shirt
• A Personal Colour Packet
• Official Finisher Medal
• A fun Pre Workout
• The Finish Line Festival
*Please note a parking fee up to £5 may apply
Pathways 4 All have purchased 10 places at the reduced rate of £33.55 each (this includes organisers small admin fee), please do let us know if you would like to join our team. Contact Carol on 0191 2665233 Email:
How it works
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Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible.