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PFP works with local people in developing countries to help them make their films in their language for educational and humanitarian purposes.
Di Kombra Di Krai facilitators guide
According to the United Nations, Sierra Leone has the third-highest maternal mortality rate in the world. That's 1,120 deaths per 100,000 births. The U.S rate in the same year was 19.
Our film with Future View Media Centre 'Di Kombra Di Krai', aims to educate mothers and the communities they live in about improving reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health practices, breaking down stigmas and mobilising communities to take care of their needs.
Our excellent local facilitators Hassanatu Sheriff and Alice Kamara from the Empowering Women Foundation (EWF), previously delivered a pilot screening programme at Rolal secondary school in Port Loko. Hassantu and Alice now want to continue these school screenings across Sierra Leone through EWF.
Hassanatu and Alice have made a fantastic facilitator's guide full of helpful information to enable those screening the film to really get the most out of the audience and the film. The guide gives background to the film, helpful tips, do's and don'ts of facilitating as well as advising on helpful questions to ask the audience and giving contact details of useful and relevant organisations that can assist communities in making change.
We're fundraising for the printing of the Facilitator's guides produced by EWF, the costs involved in making copies of the film and any additional educational materials required for the screenings. This will enable the schools to properly educate their students, parents and the communities around them.
Thank you very much for your support.