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£0.00 of £1,000 target

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About us

Dogs for Good makes life changing differences for people with disabilities.

Our assistance dogs support adults and children with a range of disabilities and also children with autism. We train activity and therapy dogs to work with specialist handlers in communities and schools. Our Family Dog team also gives specialist advice and support to help families with a child with autism get the most out of their relationship with their pet dog.

Charity number: 1092960

Dogs for Good - Wagathon

Event dates: Saturday 28th August 2021 – Monday 30th August 2021

Walk 9K with your K9 to celebrate National Dog Day. You can walk the distance in one day or spread it over several days. Sign up and help us to make more life changing partnerships.

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Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible.



28th August 2021 - 30th August 2021

Let's get started

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