This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
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Total raised so far
£2,387.00 of £6,000 target +£32.50 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
9th June 2022
+ £25.00 Gift Aid
About us
E3 works with local partners to bring transformation to communities affected by poverty, HIV and AIDS, gender-based violence and COVID-19 in Southern Africa. Our partners understand the challenges and issues first-hand and how to respond in a sustainable way. We empower their leaders through training and financial support to respond to the social issues around them. In particular, E3 helps enable HIV support initiatives, microfinance to improve livelihoods, support for orphaned and vulnerable children to attend school and thrive, and workshops to help stop gender-based violence and support for those affected.
Give vulnerable preschoolers the best start in life
Primary school children in this community are already benefiting from E3’s Back to School programme. Your donation will help finish this preschool so younger children can develop the skills needed to help break the cycle of poverty in Elandskop community in South Africa.
Priority is given to orphaned and vulnerable children in greatest need – those of teenage mums who are still at school and others being raised by their elderly grandmothers, some of whom have 8 children to care for.
Quality care and education is vital, so children have a solid foundation. Families face chronic hunger, inadequate housing, lack of income and low living standards. The effects of poverty can be devastating to child development, including illnesses, chronic malnutrition, slow cognitive development and academic failures. The preschool will care for children in a safe and nurturing environment, helping them learn the basic principles of life and develop adequate skills to thrive at primary school and beyond.
E3 supporters have already funded the preschool building, which is nearly finished. Your donation will help finish the facilities with:
• A proper toilet block (instead of a stinky long drop in a tin shed)
• A kitchen so staff can cook two nutritious meals a day for the children
• A medical room where children can sleep or be attended to when they are unwell.
The budget: £2,750 will fund the kitchen and medical room and £3,250 will build the toilet block.
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