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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Freshford School PTA, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£3,669.00 of £10,000 target +£667.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Saturday 16th April 2022

Paul M


Enjoy it to the MAX!

Wednesday 6th April 2022

Postal Donation


Tuesday 5th April 2022

The Malirs


+ £62.50 Gift Aid

Fantastic, well done! Good luck in the USA.

Wednesday 30th March 2022

Gordon and Sarah


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Good Luck

Friday 25th March 2022

Laura Shack


Thursday 24th March 2022

Lucy Hayes


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Thursday 24th March 2022



Wednesday 23rd March 2022



Thanks Steph Jenkins!

Tuesday 22nd March 2022



Monday 21st March 2022

Katie Scotland


2 keyrings please (Poppy + Ozzie)

About us

Funds raised help Freshford Primary School offer pupils a wide variety of learning resources, projects and experiences.

Charity number: 1031841

Help Freshford's Wombats Team compete at the FLL World Championship 2022

Event dates: Wednesday 20th April 2022 – Saturday 23rd April 2022

A team of young engineers from Freshford Church School has been crowned champions of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) FIRST® LEGO® League England and Wales Final.

The winning team – Freshford's Wombats - made up of a team of 10 boys and girls aged 9-10 years old, were crowned champions at the National final on the 26th February in Harrogate, and will now have the opportunity to represent England & Wales on the global stage at the FIRST World Festival, which will be held in Houston, USA, in April.

We now need to raise funds for the team to turn this opportunity into reality. The funding will cover travel, accommodation, and subsistence for each child and their adult chaperone, for the duration of the competition. We have already secured some corporate sponsorship but still need to raise a further £10,000 with your support.

The science and technology challenge, which is aimed at 9-16 year olds, tasks teams to build a robot to tackle a series of missions, and create an innovative solution to a real world problem. This year’s competition is called CARGO CONNECT℠ and is all about exploring how cargo is transported to different destinations around the world. Teams were tasked with designing a solution to making transporting cargo more efficient and making sure they have lots of fun in the process.

If for any reason the trip does not go ahead all efforts will be made to refund donations.

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