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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Quaker Congo Partnership UK, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£573.00 Online donations +£98.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

About us

Quaker Congo Partnership UK is an initiative of Quakers of Cambridgeshire and Manchester & Warrington in the UK, in partnership with Quakers of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the east of the country.

This is an independent charity: Registered Charity Number: 1159781. Gift Aid No EW23433.
Registered address: Quaker Congo Partnership UK, Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS, UK.
Contact: Julie Yates, Treasurer.

Charity number: 1159781

Goma Emergency Appeal – Quaker Congo Partnership

Quakers, and the whole population in Goma, in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo are suffering from food shortages. M23 rebels supported by Rwanda have blocked the roads to Goma and attacked people in villages. People have fled the villages and left their fields which provided food to the city. However, Goma is not completely cut off – it can be reached by boat on Lake Kivu and by air. Quakers in Goma have appealed for money for emergency relief. This will go through CEEACO the Quaker church in the DRC. Quaker Congo Partnership (QCP) UK have agreed to forward donations to CEEACO if Friends would like to donate to help Friends and others in Goma.