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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Compassion Acts, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£410.00 of £1,000 target +£100.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

3 months ago

Jeff & Jackie


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done - hope no blisters!

3 months ago

Jim Levesque


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

3 months ago

Divad Revilo


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

We're behind you, walk on, walk on

3 months ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

3 months ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Well done Allan, a great journey for a great cause.

3 months ago

Sid and Jane Ludlow


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Hope you have good weather and your support team are with you all the way!

3 months ago

sharon ferguson


Enjoy Alan and a lovely part of the country to do your walk

3 months ago

Eddie and Ruth Loxham


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

3 months ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

3 months ago

George, Susan, Talita and Jemima


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Well done Allan. This is truly inspiring

About us

We are a local charity working to reduce poverty and increase social wellbeing in Southport and surrounding areas. We support people facing financial hardship in a range of ways including Southport foodbank, Food Pantries, benefits and debt advice. At the same time we 'go upstream' to address the root causes of poverty, and try to prevent them.

Charity number: 1172948

Hadrian's Wall Challenge 2024

Allan Salisbury MBE, a previous chair of trustees, long time board member and current volunteer in our family space in setting off on an exciting trip to the beautiful ruggedness of Northumberland and Cumberland. He will challenge himself to walk the length of Hadrian's Wall (89 miles!) this May in order to raise funds for Compassion Acts.

Compassion Acts is a Christian social action charity with projects across Southport, Formby & surrounding area.

| UPDATES:15/05/2024Setting off from Carlisle wearing my Compassion Acts Family Space T-Shirt!14/05/2024  Arrived in Carlisle for Day 2 after starting in Bowness on Solway, going well but rained most of the day. | | | | | | | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 2023 at a glance. We: |
| = | Reduced poverty through benefits advice to 50% more people than in 2022 with 2,191 people receiving £2m between them in additional income in 2023 as a result; |
| |
| = | Supported local families through 3,967 subsidised weekly shops in 5 local food pantries, an average of 943 households per month; |
| |
| = | Provided family support to 70 families and school uniform to another 450 families; |
| = | Stopped a rise in need for emergency food provision with 4,495 emergency food parcels to feed 1,936 adults and 1,560 children people through 6 foodbanks; |
| |
| = | Reduced social isolation through 4 warm spaces resulting in 4,500 visits during the year; |
| |
| = | Provided long term support though 6 monthly social wellbeing activities and monthly community market; |
| |
| = | Welcomed 1,123 people to our Community Hub; |
| = | Engaged with participants to understand key issues and how we can better support them; and |
| |
| = | Strengthened our governance, partnerships and engagement. |

All of this costs money, and the charity relies on local donors. It does not have government contracts or large corporate sponsors.

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