2 months ago

Total raised so far
£16,048.00 Online & offline donations See breakdown
Recent donations
About us
The Uphill Trust supports grass roots education in rural western Uganda: Uphill Junior School, a privately-owned primary school with kindergarten, was founded by a Ugandan teacher in February 2011 and provides educational opportunities for girls, orphans and children from poor rural families.
We are helping the school to build well equipped school buildings, maintain a motivated and well-qualified teaching staff, provide clean water and good sanitation, and support the education of girls and orphans.
When funding is available we also support projects that benefit the wider community, such as provision of mosquito nets, solar lanterns and reading glasses for the community elders.
The Uphill Trust is a zero-overheads charity - 100% of the money you donate is used to support Uphill Junior School.
Education is power!
Help a Child
The majority of our activities benefit the whole school community, however some of our donors particularly want to help a child to go to school. We set up the PUPIL SUPPORT FUND in 2016 to help some of the children in greatest need attend Uphill Junior School.
You can make one-off and regular donations to the Pupil Support Fund:
£15 per month will help a child to attend school as a day pupil.
One-off donations allow us to to help with medical and other unexpected personal costs that arise from time to time.
In the words of the Uphill director, "Sponsoring a child is planting a tree! A tree bears many fruits that benefit many people!"
Thank you for your support.
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Our updates
1 year ago
During 2023 you helped 27 youngsters attend Uphill - thank you!

1 year ago
Our supporters choose to help a child to go to Uphill for a variety of reasons. These two supporters left a message when they made the donation...

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