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Waterloo Community Development Group

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About us

Waterloo Community Development Group

Charity number: 1114299

Help keep WCDG alive!

Waterloo Community Development Group is 50 years old! We hope to last another 50, but we are a charity completely dependent on your support and donations.

Over the past 50 years, WCDG has worked on many high-profile projects including the creation of Jubilee Gardens, Millennium Green, social homes on the Coin Street sites and supported the creation of many housing co-ops, as well as successful campaigns to stop the Garden Bridge, Mamma Mia the Party nightclub, and a hugely damaging development at 8 Albert Embankment. We are currently fighting a campaign to stop the overbearing proposal at 72 Upper Ground on the South Bank, whilst leading a project to completely refurbish Emma Cons Gardens.

WCDG receives no funding and is run entirely by volunteers. We desperately need funds to:

  • pay for basics to run our office and facilities
  • hire public meeting spaces that bring our community together
  • research for campaigns/projects
  • attend meetings/public inquiries etc.

We would really appreciate your support by way of donations please. Here are ways to give:

  • Online – a one-off donation on this website or a weekly/monthly standing order amount of your choice* N.B. If you donate, please type "WCDG 50" in front of your name or simply "WCDG 50" if you don't want to display your name

  • Leave a legacy – make a gift in honour of a loved one or leave a lasting legacy by remembering us in your will*

  • Celebrate a special occasion by asking your friends and family to make a donation in lieu of presents*

Again, please mention "WCDG 50" in your gift if you choose any of the options above.

* By cheque – made out to "Waterloo Community Development Group"

*Our bank details:
Sort: 40-52-40
Account no.: 00022912


You can call us on 07547 776725 to discuss any of these options further. If you don't want to donate on this webpage, please let us know and we can arrange alternative payment methods and add Gift Aid to your donation, to help us claim back a little more money; just give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

WCDG supports a balanced, sustainable and stable residential community in Waterloo by:

  • Redressing the imbalance of land uses
  • Increasing the amount of genuinely affordable rented housing, particularly for young families, as well as the amount of sheltered housing for all incomes
  • Improving the health and well-being of residents with a safer greener, cleaner environment and an improved microclimate
  • Protecting the history and identity of our streets and public spaces and enhance their visual appearance
  • Increasing and improving the amount of useful, green open space
  • Retaining and increasing retail facilities useful to local residents, including Lower Marsh and The Cut as the shopping centre for Waterloo
  • Improving community facilities in Waterloo for residents of all ages and needs including a new library
  • Consulting, advocating and fighting inappropriate development which threatens the community
  • Improving air quality and reducing traffic pollution by reducing all parking including coaches, taxi waiting, an end to ground level off street parking and non-local traffic
  • Leading on significant improvements from development for the community
  • Fighting for natural daylight in people’s homes when threatened by overdevelopment

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