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Total raised so far

£110.00 Online donations +£27.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Saturday 23rd April 2022



+ £7.50 Gift Aid

John will be sadly missed by so many, but always remembered

Thursday 21st April 2022

Team Collins


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

With love from our family to yours

Wednesday 20th April 2022

Mrs Caterina Jones


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

The head of a lovely family, who following Johns lead, give so much to their community. I life well lived.

Wednesday 20th April 2022

Bev Seale


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

It was lovely knowing and working with you. You are at rest now with with Daphne.

About us

Hastings Voluntary Lifeguards objectives are the prevention and reduction of loss of life by drowning.
The Club provides qualified Lifeguards at open water events in the Hastings and surrounding areas - these include sea swims, triathlons, air displays, rowing regattas, pier events to name just a few. Provision includes rescue and safety boat cover as well as first aid.
In addition we provide education in water safety, lifesaving and lifeguard techniques to all ages. Members can join from 8 years old with no upper age limit. Members learn essential life skills of self rescue, lifesaving skills, resuscitation and first aid. Every year we also provide vocational training leading to providing those qualified to be employed as beach lifeguards.

Charity number: 1147368

In memory of John Heyes

John joined the Hastings Voluntary Lifeguard Club over 40 years ago. The Club was still developing and he taught us the skills, knowledge and values that we needed to develop within the club to be recognised as a reliable rescue, safety and training organisation.
John became our club chair giving us opportunities to work with other emergency services and ensuring we cascaded down the values and standards.
John always maintained a real interest in the cub and it's activities - always quick to correct us if he thought we were 'off course'.
We will always be indebted to him and will continue to strive to pass on his ideals to all our members.
We are very grateful to John's family for asking for donations in his memory to our Club.

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