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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Liverpool Cathedral, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£155.00 Online donations +£31.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

6 months ago



+ £11.25 Gift Aid

6 months ago



+ £15.00 Gift Aid

6 months ago

Sally and John


A wonderful idea - hope the day goes really well

7 months ago

Derek Watmough


7 months ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

7 months ago

Dianne Rothwell


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

About us

Liverpool Cathedral is proud to be built for the people, by the people, to the Glory of God. We are the largest Cathedral in the UK, but we are more than an iconic building, we are a vibrant, active place that the people of the city, region and world encounter in many ways. Join us for one of our 1,200 services each year, enjoy our free family programme, hear our music soar to the rafters, or stand upon our Tower and delight at being at the highest point in the city.

Charity number: 1205970

Liverpool Cathedral Centenary Stitchathon

Event dates: Saturday 4th May – Sunday 30th June

As part of the celebrations to commemorate the centenary of Liverpool Cathedral's Consecration, we are holding a 'Centenary Stitchathon' to celebrate stitchers and stitching within the cathedral. Every stitcher involved has set themselves a 'Stitchathon 100' challenge with goals including 100 items, 100 hours, 100 rows. Any support you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Money raised will be shared between the social justice charity MICAH Liverpool ( and towards supporting the refurbishment, upkeep and safe storage of Liverpool Cathedral's unique and iconic handcrafted items - current projects include hanging poles for the hand stitched altar frontals and refurbishment of the altar candle holders.