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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Merton Centre for Independent Living, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£235.00 Online donations +£7.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

About us

We are Merton Centre for Independent Living (also know as Merton CIL). We are the only user-led pan-disability Deaf and Disabled people’s organisation based in the London Borough of Merton. Our organisation works hard to address the marginalisation of Deaf and Disabled people and make a real difference in Merton and the wider community.

Our steering group was set up in 2008, we were incorporated as a company by limited guarantee in 2011 and became a registered charity in 2013. We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved alongside local Deaf and Disabled People over the past 12 years. With cuts to funding within the voluntary sector, we are the only organisation within an area of high need providing advice and advocacy specialising in disability.

We are run and controlled by and for Deaf and Disabled people. We provide a range of free, accessible and supportive services for Deaf and Disabled people in Merton.

We want a society where Deaf and Disabled people can take control over their lives and achieve full participation.

Charity number: 1152825

Let's work together to make change happen!

Event dates: Friday 31st December 2021 – Thursday 31st March 2022

We are raising money to support our work:

  • promoting the independence and inclusion of Deaf and Disabled people.
  • Identifying and challenging discrimination faced by Deaf and Disabled people;
  • And, encouraging Deaf and Disabled people and supporters to achieving change locally.

How it works

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