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Total raised so far


£9,200.00 of £9,000 target See breakdown

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About us

At The Spring Centre we provide a variety of services to children and young adults with additional needs and/or disabilities from 0 to 35 years and their families across Gloucestershire. These include after school and holiday clubs, family sessions, a day centre and community sessions with a variety of onsite and offsite activities. We have 2 well equipped kitchen-diners, a play room, a sensory room, a community room and 2 lounges to chill out as well as a play area outside, inducing a canopy providing all year round access to activities based outdoors. We use our minibuses to get to places and to organise transport from a local SEN school to our venue.
Supporting children, young people and their families is at the core of our work. Our main aim is to improve the quality of life for the child or young person as well as their family group. We offer a tailored support, to suit the need of the individual whilst focusing on building their confidence and enabling them to grow their independence.

Charity number: 1035546

Refurbish minibuses

Our minibuses are ageing out and we need your help to fund refurbishments.

We depend on our minibuses for many uses, including:

  • picking the children up from school to attend after school club
  • taking our young people out and about in the community
  • taking the children out on day trips for holiday club

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