This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support The Forest School, please view their charity page.
Total raised so far
£30.00 Online donations +£7.50 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
7 months ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Have a great day all, hopefully see some of you along the way 😀
About us
The Forest School in knaresborough is a special needs school for pupils aged 3 - 16 years. It is a specialist college for communication and interaction.
Nidderdale Walk 19th May 2024
Event date: Sunday 19th May
We are raising money for our school fund which allows us to provide specialist equipment and facilities for our pupils with special educational needs. The walk allows you to enjoy the fabulous scenery of Nidderdale along well signposted routes for a distance of your choice.
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