This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support North Wales Recovery Communities, please view their charity page.
Recent donations
9 months ago
Elaine Bailey
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
9 months ago
Matt Owen
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
About us
The object of the cio is for the benefit of the public to relieve the needs of and support vulnerable people in particular those who are victims of alcohol and/or substance abuse and dependency, those who have a history of offending, or who are at risk of offending, and those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by:
(a) providing supported emergency living accommodation designed to develop a strong and vibrant recovery community in which people can and will recover from issues with addiction, offending, homelessness and mental health.
(b) providing programmes of therapeutic recovery support designed to support individuals to achieve and maintain abstinence and reduce the likelihood of relapse.
(c) providing practical support and advice and encouraging the development of life skills so as to assist people to become self-supporting members of the community.