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Total raised so far


£19,293.00 of £200,000 target See breakdown

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About us

Ringwood Junior School PTA helps to provide additional facilities to advance and broaden the education of the pupils of the school. The charity embraces the whole school community, and the wider community in its efforts to be a pillar of support. To this end, we organise events and raise funds to deliver projects for our pupils and the school community, and we engage in wider community events.

Charity number: 1026023

Building Aspirations: Ringwood Junior School BIG BUILD

Help Build a Brighter Future for Ringwood's Children!

The BIG BUILD project at Ringwood Junior School needs your support to transform lives.

Every term, we provide over 450 wellbeing sessions and 500 extra teaching interventions, plus out-of-school-hours care for 70+ children. But our facilities are stretched thin.
Wellbeing support, targeted and specialised teaching, counselling take place in aging wooden sheds.
Your donation will help us raise £200,000 to build a new facility that will:
-  Expand vital support services
-  Enhance pastoral care and targeted interventions
-  Support working parents with quality before/after school care
-  Provide safe, inspiring spaces for learning and growth

By contributing, you're not just funding a building – you're investing in the future of Ringwood's children. Your generosity will create a nurturing environment where young minds can flourish, ultimately shaping a more compassionate community for generations to come.

The cost of the project is beyond the reach of the school's budget.
This campaign is our source of hope to make this project happen. That’s why we are asking for your help.

Your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of our children and staff.

No matter how big or small, every donation counts.

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