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About us

Trailfam ignites the transformative power of trail running among young people, fostering holistic wellness, environmental consciousness, and community connection. We're dedicated to empowering youth to explore, connect, and grow through the beauty of nature, creating a future where personal development and environmental stewardship flourish hand in hand.

Charity number: 1202410

Run the Hackney Half for TrailFam

Event date: Sunday 18th May

Run London's most exciting Half Marathon and help to improve the physical health, mental welbeing and career prospects of young people. Simply create your fundraising page and become a member of the fam!

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Sam’s hackney half

Sam’s hackney half

Samantha Anthony

£0.00 raised of £300 target

Hackney Half for Trail Fam

Hackney Half for Trail Fam

Jack Lynch

£0.00 raised of £300 target

Hackney Half for TrailFam

Hackney Half for TrailFam

Karl Hatton

£0.00 raised of £300 target

Trail Fam

Trail Fam

Emma Newton

£0.00 raised of £300 target

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