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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£30.00 of £500 target +£5.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

1 year ago

Jamie Leach


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Every little helps. Be lovely to see funds raised to help support delivery of so many service to older people in our county 🤞

1 year ago

Jessica Hancox-Wilkes


About us

We are an independent charitable organisation working in the community to support older people, their families and carers and to improve the quality of life for older people in the county.

We promote the well-being of all older people and help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

Our support for older people includes;

Practical Support -help to enable older people to remain independent in their own homes;

Social Connections -providing opportunities to meet people and develop friendships, to reduce social isolation;

Information and Advice - which older people and their carers can use with confidence to make informed decsions and choices.

Charity number: 1165856

Slip into Slippers

Event date: Friday 7th October 2022

Over the past year we have supported thousands of people, providing hours of support, delivering practical help such as fitting a grab rail to enable someone to get in and out of the shower unaided to providing friendship, reducing isolation and loneliness.

We need to raise our own funds to support so many people. We do this is a variety of ways and are funded by commissioned services (i.e. local authorities and NHS) and grants, but must also rely upon donations and the fundraising efforts of others. This is where you can help – please.

The year before the pandemic we decided to create an annual fundraising event. One that was fun, easy to do, easy to donate, easy to share. Sharing is important as we also need help in raising awareness of our charity so older people, their families and carers know we are here and able to help them.

Do you think you could help us to fundraise, and join our Slip into Slippers Campaign this year?

Can you encourage your work colleagues, friends, clubs, school to fundraise for us?
Can you make a donation?
Can you share a photo of your slippers in social media?
Any one of the above things will help us – we hope you can do them all!

When? Friday 7th October 2022

We chose an annual focus day for our Slip into Slippers Campaign as the first Friday in October based on the United Nations International Day of Older Persons which is held annually on 1st October. On this day communities are invited to come together and celebrate the privilege of aging. We think that is a great date to celebrate and value the older people in our lives. Of course, if this date is not convenient you can choose another date around this time, as we’d like you to join in!

What? Show us your Slippers!

Wear them (if you choose on your feet!), decorate them, have a laugh with friends, involve your furry friends - photographing your pets in, or with, your slippers!

Do a sponsored event (always remember safety) in your slippers.

Next take a photo, with you in it, or just your feet, or a group of feet adorned with slippers. Share your photos in your social media and tag us @ageukcap and use hashtag #slipintoslippers2022.

Please make a donation, the suggested amount is £3.00, or more if you can! Remember we need to fundraise, and every penny raised will be spent in our own services delivering direct support for local older people (living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area).

Thank you for your support.

How it works

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Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible.