This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support SNUG, please view their charity page.
Total raised so far
£1,357.00 Online & offline donations +£171.25 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
1 year ago
+ £10.00 Gift Aid
About us
The promotion of social inclusion and parent infant mental health among parents and their children who are socially excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of neonatal experiences by:
• providing education and information to support and enable neonatal parents to maximise educational opportunities for their child;
• raising public awareness of the issues affecting neonatal parents and their children, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion;
• providing workshops, forums, advocacy and general support; and
• providing recreational facilities and opportunities for neonatal families.
SNUG's Big Fancy Dress Parade - Exeter
SNUG are holding a great big sponsored fancy dress parade - Join our neonatal nurses and SNUG in our sponsored walk!
Come along dressed in your fancy dress costumes and walk in our parade!
We are raising vital funds so we can continue to support local neonatal families now and in the future - we aim to ensure that all neonatal parents get the right support at the right time
You can either donate directly to our page - or set up your own fundraising page to share with all your friends and family, so they can sponsor you in the parade
12th August 2023
13:00 pm
The Transit Shed, Exeter Quay
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