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Total raised so far

£440.00 Online donations +£105.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

1 month ago



+ £7.50 Gift Aid

1 month ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid


1 month ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Something to help you help others. We are standing with you at this difficult time. xxx

1 month ago



This is such an important cause

1 month ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

1 month ago



We're all behind you

1 month ago

Hilary Banks


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

This is a brilliant thing to do

1 month ago

Nyree Kerr


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Let’s stand united against violence and help all those affected to find Peace in their lives and heal x

1 month ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

1 month ago

The Leyland family


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

God bless all the families and friebds affected by this tragedy.

About us

We are a local charity working to reduce poverty and increase social wellbeing in Southport and surrounding areas. We support people facing financial hardship in a range of ways including Southport foodbank, Food Pantries, benefits and debt advice. At the same time we 'go upstream' to address the root causes of poverty, and try to prevent them.

Charity number: 1172948

Southport Together Wellbeing Kits

Would you like to donate towards our wellbeing kits that will be given out to those affected by the recent events in Southport? You can do that here.

Transparency Statement:
As a registered charity all donations are recorded and accounted for. In the event that there are more physical donations or financial contributions than are needed for the hamper project, you can be reassured that any surplus will go directly into Compassion Acts work in Southport including community building and food projects.

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