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About us

  1. the relief of people with treacher collins syndrome (tcs) and other craniofacial conditions and their families, in particular by the provision of information, advice and financial support for essential medical supplies/procedures.
  2. to advance education and promote a wider knowledge and understanding of the problems of treacher collins syndrome (tcs) and other craniofacial conditions amongst the public.

Charity number: 1170132

2024 Retreat Sponsor A Child/Family

Our supporters are always asking us for different ways they can support us, so for 2024 we are introducing a unique campaign whereby people can donate a sum of either

  • £50 to sponsor a Child's attendance


  • £200 to sponsor a Families attendance at our 2024 Retreat being held in York on 26th October.

All money donated to this campaign will go directly to helping fund our 2024 Retreat with the primary focus going towards transport and accommodation costs.

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Let's get started

Start raising donations for Love Me, Love My Face Foundation!