16th June 2023
This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support St Peter's School Parent Staff Association, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far
£245.00 of £450 target +£28.75 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
16th June 2023
Stephanie O'Connor
+ £3.75 Gift Aid
Good luck Quinn and Robins class.
14th June 2023
Hedy Watt
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Willow!
14th June 2023
Granny & Grandad Jordan
Good luck with the sing-a-thon Liam & all the Robins
About us
St Peter's School Parent Staff Association aims to advance the education of pupils in the School and develop effective relationships between the school community (staff, parents, children and others associated with the school). Money is raised through a variety of activities such as Winter/Summer Fairs, Quiz/Social Nights, School Discos, After School Cake/Food sales, Pre-loved Uniform sales and Sponsored Events.
ROBINS St Peter's School PSA Summer Sing-a-thon 2023
Event dates: Thursday 15th June 2023 – Friday 16th June 2023
The PSA are holding our first ‘Sing-a-thon’ on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June 2023. All the children will be singing with their class for at least half an hour and KS1 and KS2 Choir will be joining in too during lunch and after-school to fill the school with singing.
Details of the number of songs sung by each class with some audio recordings will be released at the end of the event.
All you need to do is sponsor your child either a ‘flat’ amount for taking part in the challenge or an amount per song. Sponsorship can take place by returning a completed sponsorship form with cash to the school office labelled ‘PSA Sing-a-thon’ by Friday 30th June 2023 or by donating directly online to our Give as You Live fundraising page.
Friends and family are very welcome to sponsor too so please share this with them!
We propose to use the money raised to buy new ICT equipment and reading books for our expanding school. We will also use the money towards some additional musical instruments.
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