11 months ago
This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support Dementia Forward, please view their charity page.
Recent donations
11 months ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
For Harrogate minibus appeal
11 months ago
Martin and Deb Whitby
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
This is truly inspiring
11 months ago
Jill Butterfield
+ £7.50 Gift Aid
11 months ago
Fiona Houseman
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
11 months ago
Michael Cockburn
Please donate as they need a new minibus I Know!!
11 months ago
Julie Sanderson
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
11 months ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Dementia Forward were so supportive when my mum was in the late stages of early onset dementia. Thank you for all you do.
11 months ago
Jill Ellerton
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
11 months ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
About us
Dementia Forward is the leading dementia charity for York and North Yorkshire. We provide support, advice and information to anybody affected by dementia across the county, and have developed a comprehensive range of services; all with people living with dementia at their heart. Our aim is to knit dementia support into the community, so that people can continue to live well for longer.
Dementia in some way affects more than 50% of the UK public*. In the face of this startling statistic, we want to increase awareness and understanding, and provide free, confidential advice and support, so that no-one has to face dementia alone.
To find out more about how we are making a difference, call our helpline on 03300 578592 or visit dementiaforward.org.uk
*Statistics from dementiastatistics.org
Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal
Don't let people living with dementia in the Harrogate district feel isolated and alone in their own homes this winter.
We have a £30,000 target to fund a minibus for local charity Dementia Forward. The minibus will collect people from the district affected by dementia, bring them to social events, and to enjoy good company. Keeping socially and physically active has been proven to reduce the effects of dementia.
Many of us will know someone affected by dementia. Dementia can rob people of their memories, and make it difficult to join in with their families at this time of year, but with the right care and support we can make a difference.
Please donate to our appeal. Dementia is 24/7, let's not forget those who need our help this Christmas.
To read all the articles from the Christmas Appeal, visit; thestrayferret.co.uk and search for 'Christmas Appeal'.
The Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal has been kindly sponsored by Vida Healthcare.
Our updates
11 months ago
The CEO of Dementia Forward set up the charity to improve local dementia support. It continues to help hundreds of families across the Harrogate district -- but can only do so with YOUR help.
Please dig deep and donate whatever you can to our appeal. Without a new minibus, people living with dementia could become extremely isolated and lonely.
11 months ago
The Dementia Forward singing group is just one of many support systems the charity provides. WE NEED YOUR HELP - people are fighting a losing battle with dementia every day.
We know times are tough, but please dig deep and donate whatever you can to our Christmas appeal.
11 months ago
Today, we talked to a woman who cares for her husband and is being supported by Dementia Forward. Dementia Forward is a lifeline for Wendy and Mark, as well as hundreds of other families across the Harrogate district.
12 months ago
Dementia Forward is a saviour for hundreds of families across the Harrogate district. Today, we hear from people the charity continues to help.
1 year ago
A local live-in care provider has taken Dementia Forward one step closer to a much-needed new minibus.
Promedica24 North Yorkshire & Lancashire, a franchise of Europe’s largest live-in care service, recently sponsored the charity’s inaugural winter ball, helping raise vital funds to continue the support offered by the Dementia Forward team.