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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Liverpool Cathedral, please view their charity page.

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About us

Liverpool Cathedral is proud to be built for the people, by the people, to the Glory of God. We are the largest Cathedral in the UK, but we are more than an iconic building, we are a vibrant, active place that the people of the city, region and world encounter in many ways. Join us for one of our 1,200 services each year, enjoy our free family programme, hear our music soar to the rafters, or stand upon our Tower and delight at being at the highest point in the city.

Charity number: 1205970

Liverpool Cathedral Sunrise Summit Challenge

Event dates: Saturday 6th July 2024 – Saturday 13th July 2024

Can you climb to the top of Liverpool Cathedral Tower in time for sunrise? 

This year we’re setting you the challenge of climbing 521 steps, right to the top of our iconic tower, in time for sunrise, whilst raising funds to support Liverpool Cathedral or your favourite charity.

How it works

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