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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Christian Action And Resource Enterprise Ltd, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£0.00 of £175,000 target

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About us

Christian Action & Resource Enterprise is a charity located in North East Lincolnshire, dedicated to relieving poverty, hardship and distress to those in need in the local community.

CARE is passionate about bringing dignity and compassion into the lives of those who for some reason find themselves at a point of need. These will primarily be the marginalised, vulnerable and disadvantaged, particularly economically and socially who live in North East Lincolnshire.

CARE offers practical help through the following services;

? CARE Housing

? CARE Community Support

? CARE Shop

? Daily Bread Food Larder (in partnership with North East Lincolnshire Churches Together)

Charity number: 1027978

Support CARE in our 30th Year


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