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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Alder Trust, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£325.00 of £250 target +£48.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

1 year ago

Aimee O'Neill


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Wendy Gardiner


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

1 year ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done Maja, a great cause

1 year ago

Genevieve Baker


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Well done Maja!

1 year ago



+ £10.00 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Jane P


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Good luck Maja

1 year ago



Enjoy the walk

1 year ago

Alexandra Benmehidi (Egan)


Thank you for raising awareness & funds for this cause that is incredibly worthy of more attention and care

1 year ago

CM Jacob


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

About us

Alder Trust has one priority- People. We believe that every person should know their value. We focus on improving mental health and well-being and provide support, services and resources to empower people to live better, and find their place in community. We recognise how huge the need is when it comes to improving mental health. That’s why we run various projects across Southampton to achieve our mission.

Charity number: 1160393

The South Down Challenge

Event dates: Friday 7th July 2023 – Saturday 9th September 2023

On the 2nd September, I will be walking 25km of the South Down Challenge. For those of you who know me, 25km may not sound like it will be particularly challenging for me. However, the last five years have been difficult: I lost my mum to cancer, I had two miscarriages, and I suffered permanent damage to my pelvic floor after giving birth to my gorgeous son (born late and big during the first Covid-19 lockdown).
I am undertaking this challenge to raise money for the Firgrove Centre, a charity which offers compassionate and caring services for people who have been impacted by issues related to pregnancy and baby loss.
The centre helped me enormously after experiencing a traumatic miscarriage in October 2021 and coming to terms with my other bereavements. My counsellor listened to me talk, ugly cry and vent. Although you never truly “get over” bereavement, my counsellor supported me to learn to be at peace and to learn how to honour and remember the ones I have lost. For this I am forever grateful.
Please support me by donating as little or as much as you can, so that the Firgrove Centre can continue to offer counselling to others who have suffered pregnancy loss. Thank you xxx