This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations
If you'd like to support Haematology And Transplant Support (HaTS), please view their charity page.
Total raised so far
£125.00 Online donations +£28.75 Gift Aid See breakdown
Recent donations
2 years ago
Russ Webb
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
About us
Haematology And Transplant Support (Hats) HaTS is an independent charity, whose overriding objective is to provide and improve upon the support and care provided to patients and families of the Haematology and Transplant Units (HTUs) situated in The Christie Hospital.
Originally known as ALUPAL, the charity (celebrating 35 years of existence in 2021), helps patients and their families overcome some of the day to day challenges they encounter when faced with life threatening blood cancer illnesses and related periods of isolation. Whilst recognising the excellent clinical care and support provided by the HTUs, HaTS also recognises that sometimes patients and their families need that little extra support which is often outside of the NHS resources.
The funds raised by HaTS are used to provide financial assistance to those patients and carers experiencing difficulties. The funds also help to improve the service provided on the unit, mainly by providing Complementary Therapies to patients and their carers alike. These therapies help with the physical and emotional effects experienced as a result of a cancer diagnosis.
Cycle Tour de Manc for HaTS
Event date: Sunday 1st May 2022
We're riding the Tour de Manc sportive on 1st May 2022 to raise vital funds for HaTS.
You can ride 50Km - 100Km - 100Miles or 200Km routes and we're looking to raise funds so that the HaTS charity can deliver services to support the Christie Hospital Blood Cancer patients and their carers. Our services include Financial support, complementary treatments and small purchases to improve the quality of care in the Haematology treatment units.
Register up for Tour de Manc at and use the discount code HATSUPPORT-10 at checkout
Create a donation space and start fundraising
Do the ride !
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