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Total raised so far


£770.00 of £500 target +£145.12 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

2 years ago

Laura Lawton


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done Lisa

2 years ago

Lisa Dundas


+ £10.00 Gift Aid

This is on behalf of Christina Ceairns who gave me the £40

2 years ago

Dave and Liz


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done Lisa, hope the feet get better quickly.

2 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done you.

2 years ago



2 years ago



An extra donation just for battling through another whole day with those blisters! Astounding effort Xx

2 years ago

Tracy Jones


Well done 👏 you can rest them poorly paws

2 years ago

Jane Nellist


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done, such a great cause

2 years ago



Well done to all of you, such a good cause xx

2 years ago

Sally Croft


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done, you have done so well xx big hugs

About us

Projects in Palestine is an charitable organisation based in Coventry, fundraising to help people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Our ethos is to help enable the Palestinians to continue to live and work on their lands whilst helping them to self -sustain whether it be by planting trees and crops or assisting them to start small businesses. We are particularly interested in helping people out of poverty by focussing on funding women’s projects, projects for children and farming and planting.

Charity number: 1196506

Walking the Coventry Way fundraiser- Grapevines for farmers

Event dates: Saturday 10th September 2022 – Sunday 11th September 2022

Lisa is fundraising to buy grapevines by walking the Coventry Way. She's hoping to raise £500 to buy 100 grapevines to fill a farmers field under threat of being taken over by illegal settlements.
The Coventry Way is a 40 mile circle that skirts Coventry. Lisa, Suzanne, Rachel and Natalie will be walking the route over the weekend of the 10/11th September, hopefully raising money with every mile they take. Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK taxpayer, as we get an extra 25p in the £ with every donation.
In previous years we have planted grapes and one of the farmers fields was threatened with a settlement, however, that settlement has now moved back another 2 meters from his land. It may be a small victory, but it is a victory none-the-less.
These vines will be planted this November, as they will need less water to establish them then. Each vine produces leaves and grapes, and the farmer can sell both with the leaves making £10 a kilo at market this year and the fruit £1 a kilo. They can also make grape molasses and Malban (a sweet) from their produce.
Each vine costs £5. Please help us plant 100 vines. Thank you

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Our updates

2 years ago

A massive thank you to you all, you literally helped me get round yesterday.
My feet are broken, so I'm giving them a well earned soak in magnesium and lavender.
I'm hoping I'll be able to get shoes on again at some point.
Thank you for having faith in me (when yesterday I really didn't have faith in myself that I'd do it)
Love to you all. X

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2 years ago

I ended yesterday with a stupid amount of blisters, however today I'm soldiering on through the pain, dreading what I face when I take my boots off later.
Honestly, THANK YOU everyone with your donations and messages, they are really helping us all push on through.
We've about 10 miles left. Positive thoughts for us all, especially as we are just about to pass through Bedworth.

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2 years ago

Last night's walk of 8 miles along some of the route, checking to see if there was still a footpath through all the HS2 mess (there was!)
2 days to go!!!

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2 years ago

Back out training today.
Just a few steps shy of yesterday's total, but much stronger walk today and I actually could go shopping after, so ended up walking further than yesterday.
Work tomorrow, will try and fit in a 5 miler at some point.

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2 years ago

Today I've been out training, this is NOTHING compared to what our challenge will be, but I know the donations will spur me on and we will have each other to push us through when we hit that wall.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, I'm over half way to my target-please share and help me hit 100 grape vines.
Many thanks.

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Let's get started

Start raising donations for Projects in Palestine!