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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Parklands Riding for the Disabled, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far


£310.00 of £10 target +£70.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Sunday 15th January 2023



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Sunday 15th January 2023

June Powell


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Good luck X

Sunday 15th January 2023

Debbie Geary


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

I hope you find the perfect horse

Sunday 15th January 2023



Good luck.

Tuesday 10th January 2023

Debbie Tracey


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Monday 7th November 2022

Alice, Ian, Leonie and Eden


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Thursday 3rd November 2022

Amy, Alex, Joey, Danny and Jake


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Thursday 3rd November 2022

C Fox


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Joey, Danny and Jake's Granny

Thursday 1st September 2022

Sue T


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Good luck x

Monday 27th June 2022

Debbie Hoskins


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck, you can do this! xx

About us

offering riding and equine assisted activities to anyone with physical and learning disabilities

Charity number: 1172310

Parkland RDAs Walk to Happiness. Help us purchase a new horse

Event dates: Monday 12th September 2022 – Tuesday 31st January 2023

Tragically we lost one of our most beloved horses Sam to a short illness. Sam was so special it is hard to explain. He was loved by everyone especially the participants who were lucky enough to have lessons with him. However, with Sam's loss these participants can no longer ride as we do not have a suitable horse. We are fundraising for £10,000 to help purchase a horse, including a purchase vetting and the tack required.

We are walking 2585.5miles to help raise this money for Parklands Riding for the Disabled. Working as a team our coaches Alison & Warrick will aim to walk between 125 miles per week (so over 60miles each) finishing the 2585.5 miles in just 16 weeks. Starting on the 12th September finishing on the 7th Jan. They’ll be coming up with ideas to include our horses and hopefully some riders along the way.

A little more about us.........

Parklands RDA offers horse riding and equine activities to anyone with additional needs whether, learning, physical or mental health. Like so many covid has been detrimental for the charity, having to care for the horses with no income. General costs for caring for the horses is approximately £50,000/year and that's without the adding in vets bills. Losing Sam is another tragedy

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