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About us

Ending hunger starts with people.

Resilience. Courage. Ingenuity. Creativity. People are extraordinary. With your support, The Hunger Project works with communities to realise their own future, free from hunger and poverty.

The Hunger Project has a more than 40-year track record of standing in partnership with people living in poverty as they work to end their own chronic hunger.

Our vision is a world without hunger. Our mission is to facilitate individual and collective action to transform the systems of inequity that create hunger and cause it to persist. We do this by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centred strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries across rural Africa, South Asia and Latin America.

The issues.

783 million people are chronically undernourished. That’s 1 in 10 people living in hunger and poverty. Unlike famines that receive emergency-aid, chronic hunger is a silent, invisible, day-after-day condition. Millions live with hunger and undernourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own.

Our approach.

Top-down, aid-driven, ‘West knows best’ models fail to create sustainable, lasting change for communities living in hunger and poverty. At The Hunger Project we’re breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty, by flipping this model on its head. We believe hungry people themselves are the key to ending hunger and we have 40+ years of evidence to say this theory of change works. Our programmes are based on an innovative, holistic approach that empowers people with the skills, knowledge and resources they need to break the poverty cycle themselves and ending hunger sustainably.

As we adapt to meet local challenges and opportunities wherever we work, our programmes have a wide range of objectives such as empowering women, improving maternal health, engaging local governments, supporting small holder farmers on climate resilience, educating girls and ending child marriage.

Our impact.

In 2023, The Hunger Project’s work reached nearly 12.4 million people. There are currently 1.2 million people living in 78 self-reliant epicentre communities in Africa with thanks to our work.

Our work in the UK

For us in the United Kingdom, we think there is more to life than just consuming. We are all connected and honouring that connection through partnership makes life richer. We all have a part to play in the end of hunger. We believe passionately that ending hunger is possible, and that our generation has the power to end it once and for all.

Charity number: 1164839

World Hunger Day

2.4 billion people don't have access to adequate nutrition.

World Hunger Day was founded by The Hunger Project in 2011 to call attention to the global food crisis. On May 28 each year, we join together as global citizens to highlight sustainable solutions to world hunger and declare our own role in making a hunger-free planet our reality.

World Hunger Day 2023:

YouthEndingHunger highlights the role of youth in ending world hunger.

The current food system is failing to meet the needs of nearly 2.4 billion people — almost a third of our planet. This level of dysfunction affects not only the current population, but has the potential to devastate future generations — unless we work together.

The global population is younger than ever. Globally, nearly 1.6 billion people — nearly one quarter of the population — are between the ages of 10 and 24 years old. They are old enough to internalize the pain of inequities that lead to hunger, but rarely consulted in finding solutions. And yet they are the most impacted. Malnourishment, stunting, starvation — these conditions create entire generations of individuals who are born into disadvantage. In addition to life-long health challenges, food insecurity can irreversibly impact their social and emotional development. All of these factors compound and the younger generation is then faced with a steeper climb to self-reliance than their parents.

Yet, in the face of these enormous challenges, young people present enormous possibilities. And that’s what we’re calling attention to this World Hunger Day.

Youth energy and activism is felt strongest at the intersection of climate and conflict — the two main drivers of chronic, persistent hunger in our world today. They are leading the grassroots movement towards mitigating the impact of climate change and conflict by generating innovative solutions. That's why it's imperative that their voices are included and amplified as an integral part of the conversation at every level — locally, nationally and globally.

At The Hunger Project, we see the power of young voices in our programs around the world — our Youth Ending Hunger program in Bangladesh, for example, sees an average of 5,000 new young people joining the movement every year. That's 5,000 new transformational leaders committed to ending hunger each year!

The increasingly powerful social and environmental activism of youth has the power to transform societies and it is our collective responsibility to elevate young voices.

811 million people don't have enough food.

2.4 billion people don't have access to healthy food.

6 out of 10 people facing acute food insecurity are in countries plagued by conflict.

80% of people living in hunger are in areas prone to natural disasters and extreme weather.


*Invest in the sustainable end of hunger.

*Share the message. Tell your friends, family and colleagues about World Hunger Day.

*Partner with us and help end hunger.

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