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£3,515.80 Raised so far

Recent donations

3 weeks ago

Keir Monteith


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Excellent work SB and all at the Sommerville team - hope the children enjoy the trip

4 weeks ago

Fran Webber


Have fun!

4 weeks ago

Sarah Hemingway


Thanks for sharing Shereena - good luck this summer.

1 month ago



+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Well done Shereener! God bless.

1 month ago

patsy hickman


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Such a good charity

1 month ago

Alison Woolley


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Thank you Shereener for bringing this to my attention, I wish the young people at Somerville a brilliant time under canvas or by the sea!

1 month ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

1 month ago

meredoc mcminn


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1 month ago

Gemma Buckland


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

1 month ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

What a great cause thanks to all who make this happen.

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