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Total raised so far


£135.00 of £250 target +£32.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

2 weeks ago

Jo Bowman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

You got this babe

3 weeks ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Keep going your doing well

3 weeks ago

Susan Webber


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Something to help you reach your target

3 weeks ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Having listened to Nichola speak last night I can better appreciate the support people need and hope your fund raising goes some way to helping them provide this much needed support. Well done Gail.

1 month ago

Jo Bowman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

You got this babe

2 months ago

Jo Bowman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

You got this babe

3 months ago

Abi & Shelby


3 months ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck Gailp

3 months ago

Jo Bowman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

You got this babe

3 months ago

Stuart McDougall


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck, Stuart, Nichola &Rosie

500 mile Walking Challenge

Gail Bowman is raising money for Owl Blue

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My story

I will walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be that girl that walked 500 miles to help build Owl Blue's New Home

Earlier this year after searching for support and going around in circles, we were eventually directed to Owl Blue. The support Nichola continues to give to Jo and I can never be fully expressed in words alone, so this is my way to support them. A small token of thanks towards helping Stuart create the extra offices they desperately need, which will allow them to provide much needed support for other families.

My 500 mile walking challenge will start from 1st November 24
The mileage will be added up from all the various walks I will be doing from dog walks and other outdoor walks including when i attend walking hockey (wockey).
I will keep a record of each walk from my Garmin as well as taking photos and the odd video, these will be shared on here at regular intervals

Thank you for your support and donations

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Owl Blue.

My updates

1 month ago

Here is another collage of some of my progress

Image uploaded with update

1 month ago

Hello all
Well I was hoping to give you on last update before 2025 started but the last day of 2024 disappeared rather fast!
So here is my first update for this new year!
From the 3rd December until the 31st December I have completed 164 miles leaving me with 163 miles left to reach my target of 500 miles 
However, I sadly haven't yet reached my fundraising goal of £500 which I was hoping to get to help Owl Blue with building the offices they desperately need.  This will allow them to offer support to more individuals and families. For further information please read my first post or follow Owl Blue's progress from their website or Facebook 
Every penny really does help make a difference 
For now I will continue my walking to complete the challenge as we step into another year and send love and blessings to you all 
Love Gail

2 months ago

Day 32 - 2nd December 
75 miles completed since last update 
327 miles left to walk 

Hello all
It's been a little while since my last update. Things have been a little tough, but I'm still continuing with my challenge.

I thought I'd share a bit of background information on myself. 

Growing up I always struggled with everything and barely understood the world around me let alone myself. I didn't belong or fit in anywhere. Home and school were difficult places to be, it felt like I was living in the dark.
It wasn't until I was a lot older that I was diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Meares Irlen Syndrome.  Autism was also mentioned.  
Unfortunately, having some sort of diagnosis didn't really help and I more or less continued living in the dark, not accepted.
As the years passed things got worse, I got seen as someone with a severe mental health condition that I was ignoring and treated like I was stupid, death, dumb and blind.
This year, I was told I was, apparently, at crisis point, and suicidal! Thankfully, through persistence on my part to prove people wrong, and after going from pillar to post, i was told about Owl Blue, where following on from an email, i have been getting wonderful support. My wife, Jo and I attend sessions with Nichola on a regular basis. 

My gp has also sorted out a referral for an Autism assessment.

My walking is a challenge in so many ways, but it is my small way to say thank you

Image uploaded with update

2 months ago

Here are some of my walks

Image uploaded with update

2 months ago

How are we coming to the end of day 18 already! Since my last update I've completed a further 51 miles, leaving me with 402 miles to complete. 
Some days with one thing and another it's been hard to stay motivated. But I've made myself get out even if it's only been a mile completed, it's still better than nothing. I'm not counting miles completed indoors around the home, just all the dog walks and other outdoor walks.
Tomorrow we are travelling to Manchester to attend a funeral so there won't be any miles added up during that time. 
I will hopefully though still get our dogs out tomorrow evening.
Thank you for your continued support and sponsorship so far.  It really does mean a lot and helps me to keep going 
Take care all 🥰

Image uploaded with update

Gail Bowman is fundraising for

Owl Blue

Charity number: 1191314

Gail Bowman is fundraising as part of

Owl Blue’s New Home

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