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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£560.00 of £500 target +£105.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

Jill Dupuis


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

Yvonne Nash


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

Christine and Emma (Minns slaves)


England what happened?

Thursday 29th March 2018

Ahmed Adnan-Nasr


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Wednesday 28th March 2018



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Tuesday 27th March 2018

Mrs M Scale


Forfeit for Wales

Tuesday 20th March 2018

Mario Saluz


To hit the 500 quid for less fortunate furs.

Monday 19th March 2018

Gill Gallagher


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Grand Slam bonus

Sunday 18th March 2018

Bridget Lester Mensing


Sunday 18th March 2018

Nicky & David Virgo


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Border Terrier Adventures 6 Nations Sweepstake 2018

Event date: 23rd March 2018

Paul Duce is raising money for Border Terrier Welfare

My story

BTA 6 Nations 2018 Sweepstake in aid of the BTW

OK here we go again for the 3rd year in a row, as this is proving so popular we're doing this again. Last year this bit of fun managed to raise a pawsome £490,21 the year before a fabby £266 for the Border Terrier Welfare, which is the groups primary charity. We now have nearly 4000 members in the group, this time last year we had 1400... how much can we raise for the BTW.

The idea is that you pick a team to win and place this in the comments below, you're own country is an obvious choice, but if you're not a rugby fan but you'd like to join in anyway then you can pick any of the six teams. The tournament starts on Saturday 3rd February 2018 and the last match day is Saturday 17th March 2018.

It's £5 entry, which is basically the losers forfeit. So if your chosen team wins the 6 nations, you don't owe anything... but all those who chose one of the other 5 teams must cough up their £5, you can donate more if you wish. Donations are payable here and don't forget to add your name and tick gift aid if applicable. I've set the target at £500 for this event.

Regardless of the outcome, there will be one guaranteed winner... the BTW and the less fortunate furs they care for. Fankoo :)

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Border Terrier Welfare.

Paul Duce is fundraising for

Border Terrier Welfare

Charity number: 1116853

More great ways you can raise funds