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Total raised so far

£850.00 +£173.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations


Chris mathieson


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck mate

4 days ago

Anne & Tony Davis


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Something good at least to come out of an awful situation no parent would want to face. God Bless.

4 days ago

Ali & Jamie Couch


+ £10.00 Gift Aid

Well done with all your fund raising. Thinking of u & your family x

4 days ago

Valerie Cooper


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

4 days ago

Charlotte & Ray


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

We think it’s is truly wonderful what you are doing Andy for these charities. We will keep you all in our thoughts x

4 days ago

Lindsay phillips


Good luck

4 days ago

Sarah Collins


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

6 days ago

Peter Lee


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

6 days ago

Joanne Taylor-Clancy


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck xx

1 week ago

Janice Robbins


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Thinking of you

In memory of Xanthia

Andy is raising money for Young Lives vs Cancer and Havens Hospices

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My story

I am raising money for Haven Hospices and Young Lives Vs Cancer.  Two charities that helped and support me and my family when my daughter Xanthia was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (DIPG).

Xanthia was 8 years old when she was diagnosed.  We were told Xanthia would have 6 - 9 months to live.  Hearing this news is every parents worst nightmare and life would never be the same again.

During Xanthias last few months with us Young Lives Vs Cancer helped to support us in many ways, ranging from days out to financial support and even finding us accommodation in London free of charge whilst Xanthia received radiotherapy to slow the growth of the cancer.  Without young lives Vs Cancer our last few months would not have been so magical.  Young Lives Vs Cancer enabled us to make life changing memories with Xanthia and made her last few months as enjoyable and magical as they could be.

Xanthia spent her last 6 weeks with us in Little Havens Hospice.  A charity run hospice designed especially for children.  Although the hospice is a hospital (in disguise) caring for terminally ill children I could not have wished for a nicer place for Xanthia to spend her final weeks.

The hospice provided around the clock care for both Xanthia and her family.  Nothing was too much for the staff.  They supported all of us, provided meals, accommodation, days out for Xanthias sister Isabella, entertainment and they even let us bring in Xanthias pony (she learnt to rise on) to see her by her bed side!!!!

There are no words to tell you how much these two charities mean to me, or how much they have helped and supported me through Xanthias final chapter of her life.  They continue to support me now even though Xanthia is no longer here.

Now it is time for me to give back to those who have given me so much so, they can continue to support other families who sadly find themselves in the position I did in November 2023.

I will be completing a series of fund raising events over the next few years from charity balls, to running the marathon. I will also be attempting to complete the 3 lakes and 3 peaks challenge all in one go and hopefully setting a world record.

I will update this page as and when events are organised.....

First challenge. Xanthias big sister Isabella who is 11 years old is going to swim 5000meters / 200 lengths to raise money for these two special charities. Wish her luck. This will take part on Saturday 13th July 2024

☆☆☆ Just an update... Isabella completed her 5000m swim on 21st July 2024. It took her 4hours and 48minutes in David Lloyd gym Basildon. She did so well and never gave up and we are all very proud of her. Thank you to all that donated and showed support. ☆☆☆

I am now raising money for both the London marathon and a sky drive in May to raise money for both these amazing charities.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Young Lives vs Cancer and Havens Hospices.

My updates

7 months ago

On Sunday 21st July 2024 Isabella completed her 200 length (5000meter) swimming challenge.

Image uploaded with update

This page is in memory of

Xanthia Groom

My 2 charities

Young Lives vs Cancer

Charity number: 1107328

Havens Hospices

Charity number: 1022119

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Your donations will help the great work Young Lives vs Cancer and Havens Hospices do.

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