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Total raised so far


£440.51 of £1,000 target +£105.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

13th June 2010

Jenny Smith


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Well done Anna

20th May 2010

Geoff Curl


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Better late than never...

14th May 2010

Sue Beardsley


Well done

13th May 2010

Natalie Spencer


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck with this Anna! xx

5th May 2010



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good Luck Anna, hope it all goes well!

4th May 2010

Cassie Manly


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Good luck young lady!

3rd May 2010

Carly Douglas


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Bet you're feeling it now! Good luck Cx

28th April 2010



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck Anna, hope you enjoy all the camping!

28th April 2010

Lee Adams


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Of course I have to sponsor you who bought me my first bow!

25th April 2010



+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Good luck and not too many blisters! xx

Walking the Coast to Coast for Nottingham Arimathea Trust

Event date: 28th April 2010

Anna Beardsley is raising money for THE NOTTINGHAM ARIMATHEA TRUST

My story

I'm doing a very big walk! Please sponsor me to raise funds for the Nottingham Arimathea Trust! NAT provides housing for destitute asylum seekers. These are people and families who are not able to return to their country of origin due to war or unrest, but who are not allowed to work or gain any sort of financial support in the UK. They're the hidden homeless. NAT runs two houses in Nottingham for people in this situation. They support people in applying for refugee status and to find ways to use their skills and contribute to the community.

Between the 28th April and 13th May I'll be walking the 190 miles from St Bees on the west coast to Robin Hood's Bay on the east to raise much needed funds for this very special charity. It'll also be the first time I have walked so far and spent so much time under canvas, so please show your support! Many thanks for reading. Wish me luck! Anna

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Charity number: 1121297

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