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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£535.00 of £200 target +£130.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

4th November 2015

Maria Nicol


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Well done Anne

20th October 2015

Andy & Janine


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Well Done. Hows the joggers nipple?

20th October 2015

Andrew Windsor


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

well done

19th October 2015

Sonia Shaw


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done Anne. A great effort and achievement XX

19th October 2015

Tracey Fletcher


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Very well done Anne! Love the Fletchers

18th October 2015

Ali & Ant


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well Done Anne x

18th October 2015

Jane Gwilt


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Well Done Anne! Fantastic achievement x

18th October 2015

Wendi Hardy


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Congratulations on such a massive achievement Wend xxx

18th October 2015



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Amazing!! All the best, Kirsty, Pete and Megs

18th October 2015

Tracey Perks


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Go Anne. what an amazing thing to do! good luck.

Anne's half marathon 18.10.15

Event date: 18th October 2015

Anne Bradley is raising money for Leukaemia Appeal Fund for Dudley

My story

Please dig deep and donate whatever you can spare to support a local charity. The leukaemia Unit Appeal raises money for the Georgina Unit at Russells Hall Hospital. The money they raise helps support patients and to help and support patients and families when they need it the most.

This will be the biggest challenge of my life and the furthest I will have ever run!

Thank you in advance of your kindness with any donation you can spare.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Leukaemia Appeal Fund for Dudley.


Leukaemia Appeal Fund for Dudley

Charity number: 701336

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